EDITORIAL : Only Buy Laptops with USB Type-C


As the tech industry is phasing out USB 2.0 and 3.0, the roll out of USB Type-c is a welcome change due to its advantages from its previous predecessor. If you have not been following up with the newest laptops, well they are losing more ports but adding more USB Type-C. ONLY BUY LAPTOPS WITH USB TYPE-C.

There is no point in buying current generation laptops even with its low price. It is better to wait or at least buy a laptop that have USB Type-C with charging capability. The biggest benefit of the USB Type-C is its acceptance in the tech industry. Mobile devices has this port, monitors are starting to have this port and a lot of accessories have this port. This means you will only need one or two of USB Type-C cord when traveling. Less wire, the better.

Below is a list of the benefits the port has.

  • faster transfer and reading speed
  • can charge device while sending data at same time
  • reversible
  • support higher resolution monitors
  • smaller connection
  • support up to 100 watts of power
  • compatible with older and legacy devices

It only takes one USB Type-C cord to do all those things above.

The Tech industry is moving at a faster rate than any industry. Many formats cum and go and many formats go to waste while leaving a lot of waste behind it. This port eliminates all of that. Since it is a industry standard, there will be less waste to throw.

Once this port has finally take over the masses, the consumer will benefit for its advantages and its portability. From mobile devices to desktop and laptops computers, USB Type-C will be the future and will stay that way for a long time.

Again, ONLY BUY LAPTOPS WITH USB TYPE-C. Its potential and benefits outweigh the current features current laptops have. Once this port takes over the masses, everyone will benefit.